Career Development Opportunity and Training
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To accomplish the dream of the early constructors of our country during the post Independence era, and to bring about a radical change in the way in which the economic imbalance is tolerated and to empower women in the right way, we are working out several strategies that would realize the above. Skill training and skill upgradation exercises are sure to bring about a revolution in the feminine community. There is a famous saying that goes as “Learn a trade and loose worry” it is true in accordance with the famous Chinese proverb “Do not spoil a man by giving him fish rather teach him to fish” If we take stock of all the women folks who are now the neglected lot by the family or by the society, if they had tried to be on their own it is purely because of the trade skill they had possessed. C-DOT believes too much on this. A large scale training on various commercially viable trades has been imparted to the Self Help Group members in many districts so that they could start some economic activity on their own or make themselves employable to earn a living. There are case studies

Self Employment Training
Women Economic EMpowerment

To the married women of the age below 50 the entrepreneur development programme is offered for their livelihood. This training is offered to the community at the proximal place. In every training 25 women participate. This is a short term training programme. In this training household women to do their practice at their homes themselves Bleaching powder, ink, Phenol & Omam water, Candle, Washing Powder, Cleaning powder, head ache ointment, computer Sambirani, liquid blue, tooth powder, Appalam, vegetable pickles, milk Goa, Snacks, all cool drink mixes, shells, Sippi, Sangu, door curtains, garlands, photo garlands, decorative materials, ornamental products, fish pickle, crab pickle, prawn pickle, cutlets manufacture training.

On completion of this training for their business purpose they are selected through groups and the bank loans are arranged. Also they are trained to market their products. Finally they are issued the certificates from the Career Development opportunity and training (C-DOT).

Income Generation Activity Programme (IGA)

Micro Entrepreneurship Development activity creates income & employment opportunity for rural women. Rural women did not get an opportunity to learn the Entrepreneurship Developmental skill. During this year, we have been conducted micro entrepreneurships Development programme on following course Dry fish production & marketing, Coconut farming , Coir production , Diary /Poultry ,Vegetable production ,Tailoring , Embroidery .8000 costal women trained on this aspect. After this training period, they will start Income generation Activity in costal areas. These programme were sponsored by IFAD assisted PTSLP Chennai.

Urban communities self-employment training program

This is a short term training programme. In this training for the household women to do their practice at their homes themselves Bleaching powder, ink, Phenol & Omam water, Candle, Washing Powder, Cleaning powder, head ache ointment, computer Sambirani, liquid blue, tooth powder, Appalam, vegetable pickles, milk Goa, Snacks, all cool drink mixes, shells, Sippi, Sangu, door curtains, garlands, photo garlands, decorative materials, ornamental products, fish pickle, crab pickle, prawn pickle, cutlets manufacture training. On completion of this training for their business purpose they are selected through groups and the bank loans are arranged. Also they are trained to market their products. These programme were sponsored by Various Municipalities and Municipal corporation in Tamil Nadu.


The system of our Education is far superior to that of many in the world but lacks the vigour and stump it requires to put it into practice as the very essence of practicability is partially or totally absent. We have several thousands of qualified engineers in various fields but when it comes to the applicability of the skill acquired during the period is far down the lane than their counterparts in the United States or the United Kingdom. Here the system is to be blamed as it never allows them to have exposure and curbs the young mind from experimenting and correction. Entrepreneurship Development Programme aims at providing the beneficiaries a thorough overhaul of the nomenclature and the rudiments of Business. Taking the status and the educational background of the women in the rural places the training sessions are so crafted in such a way that it reaches them at the right angle to enable maximized productivity and efficiency

SHG Animator & Representatives Training:

Capacity building of rural women is one of the major concerns of C-DOT. C-DOT has organized trainings to the women leaders and representatives in various topics. The training has enhanced the functioning of self help groups towards economic independence of rural women. During this year, we organized the training inputs on record maintenance, problem solving Government scheme. This programmed was sponsored by Tamilnadu Corporation for Development women Ltd.


Majority of the business breakdowns happen because of the lack of understanding of the difference between liabilities and assets. Much time is being spent on acquiring liable assets and only a few people who have understood the power of money invest on income generating assets. Lack of scanning of the business environment and the various impacts it can create must be updated which is the reason why the State and the Central Governments have geared up spending huge amounts of monies in the skill upgradation of the swarozgaris of the district

Computer Training

This is a six months training programme for the 10th passed and +2 passed female candidates. In this programme M.S. Word and DTP trainings are offered. Permission has been granted for the 25 female candidates. Forenoon and afternoon session classes are conducted having 3 hours per class. In the training the scanning, printing and internet training are also given. On completion of the training certificates issued to the successful candidates. The placement cell organizes campus interviews for self-employment and employment opportunities.

Tailoring Training Programme

The poor women could gain little income generation opportunities through the accomplishment of this particular skills. Dindigul district hosts more numbers of textile mills which could siphon the contracts on dress making in their homes.

Two Wheeler Mechanism

This skill development is provided to selective 50 youths on a period of 3-months period. All the successful beneficiaries are placed in a decent salary in servicing centers in the local area. This programe was conducted along with Sri Ramajeyam Driving school Madurai.


There is now an increased health consciousness among the people in our society both rural and urban. To further strengthen this awareness we have been conducting health and Happiness classes for the young children in the schools and emphasize the need of a balanced diet for particularly adolescent girls and nursing women. Detailed documentary on child care and nutrition programme is also done in the villages regularly. Cooking classes for housewives and the treatment of common diseases in the traditional way is a regular happening in our office premises.


…to revolutionize the thinking trajectory and galvanize the mould of character & Personality Ethics for hale living. We make participants to arrive at rationalized decisions and build an edifice in the career path. An incidence with C-DOT is inevitable as it helps to challenge you in competitive environment by building skill blocks on strategy, Operations, leadership and networking. The exercises we have rediscovered, proves on the individual to be pro-active in seeking solution and in creating conducive environment and work culture. Management Development Programmes bring about huge and remarkable changes that ought to keep one’s tempo of work at pace with the environment.


Personality Development Programme for a particular target group is to provide a better understanding of one. To imbibe clarity of thought and better refinement in decision making for a bright career. Provoke concentration, shifting leverage on hard work, Quality career guidance, glamorization of the mould of character & Personality Ethics for a better tomorrow.


Social forestry is one area that needs more conservation. The Central Government is very keen on the ecological balance that has to be maintained. The Global warming is considered to be a great natural threat that not only affects one part of the globe but the whole planet. This we often forget and push as much smoke as possible into the sky depleting the ozone layer that protects the UV Rays from reaching the earth. The Climatic predictions are no truer. The weather forecasts throw more speculation than reality.


Many evils in the society is prevalent because of mere ignorance. The cost of ignorance in our country is so huge and the damages caused are unimaginable. Lack of awareness is otherwise technically termed as ignorance. This clout on various fields and spheres are to be completely eradicated and this event should be mobilized by the socially inclined ones and those with the real burden to lighten the dark mind of the society. Evils inflicted on women – an act of arrogance and ignorance. Domestic violence on children – effects of child labor, abuse of childhood by beastly conditioned humans. Inflicting disease upon oneself due to ignorance of the habit of eating healthy and try thinking better!

C-DOT conducts a series of awareness camps to lighten up the mindset of rural people on health & hygiene, Human rights, Legal aid, environmental scanning, Sanitation, Ecological reserve and its benefits, Government Schemes and benefits, objectives of Five Year Plans by various planning commissions.

Road Safety Awareness Programme

C-DOT has organized the awareness programme for students and drivers. Road Safety rules and regulations were explained in the campaign.

Environmental Awareness Programme

Environmental Awareness Campaign was organized with the support of local communities. Awareness generation meeting highlights the need of conserving precious natural resources, and recycling the waste materials. We also provide Dust Bin Box to Schools and Primary Health Centers. Demonstration and sensitization meetings were organized to the general public with the participation of school going children and youths.

Solid Waste Mangement Awareness Programme

Segregation of solid waste disposals plays an important role in the preservation of underwater and surface pollution. For this sensitization meetings and demonstration were organized to segregate the waste as decomposable and non-decomposable and further insists on the general public on the use of decomposable packaging materials, paper cups and be in part of the conservation of the fragile ecosystem.

S.H.G. Awareness Programme

The internalization of the social development process largely relies on the collective cohesive dynamism of the disadvantaged and conducts regular meetings in organizing them under SHG structures. Through which they could learn savings, finance management, literacy and numerical, skill development, credit access and income generation.

Child Rehabilation Awareness Programme

Through this program appropriate awareness is being generated across the communities on the need of mainstreaming the children in trafficking, children in labor, children dropouts in regular schools and rehabilitation of their mothers to develop a child a valuable responsible citizen of the country.

Human Rights Awareness Programme

Poverty and human right violations are closely related components often needs to be answerable through awareness generation at the first level of internalizing the activism. The communities were assisted with legal aids and legal awareness. The program suppresses in the incidences of child right and women right violations common among the unmet communities.

Total Sanitation Awareness Programme

With the help of the local body and government C-DOT has implemented the program. The program nullifies the underground water pollution and spread of water borne diseases. The program is implemented with the contribution of the communities through training and practice.With the help of the local body and government C-DOT has implemented the program. The program nullifies the underground water pollution and spread of water borne diseases. The program is implemented with the contribution of the communities through training and practice.

Breast Feeding Awareness Programme

The pre, peri and post-natal mothers were identified and given awareness on the advantages of breast feeding. The mothers were sensitized on the nutritive diets preparation and supplementation.

HIV / AIDS Awareness Programme

C-DOT observes the World AIDS Day on December 1 of each year with students, general public, STD / HIV-AIDS affected persons, Street Theatre programme were organized in the ten villages. These programme highlights the prevention of STD / HIV / AIDS

Support of free books & notes to poor family’s students

With the self generated funds limited children belonging to low income profile are being supported on their education by way of books and notebooks and uniforms. This program draws attention of the general community to ensure child and women rights.

World women’s day programme

C-DOT observes the World Women’s Day on March 8th of each year with women SHG’s and federation participation. In this connection public meeting, rally, seminar and street theatre programme were organized.

Our Major Activities
Working in closer coordination and cooperation of the
stakeholders and realizing the vision on a timeframe.
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Career Development Opportunity and Training